School Representative Council meet each week, they began by discussing the needs of the students at MPS and then sharing their ideas and opinions. Students then set out a plan for the year to achieve these goals and plan a school community activity for each term. In the past these have included such things as PJ day to raise money for the Goof Friday appeal, gold coin donation for various charities, Jeans for Geans day, Diabetes Victoria merchandise fundraiser, Jump Rope for Heart just to name a few.
SRC members are involved in events such as ANZAC Day service, GRIP Leadership Conference, Melton Community Shire events, School Tours for prospective parents and supporting the School Captains with various jobs around the school.
The SRC is made of grade 6 students from each grade level, they also liaise with the Junior School Council which is made up of students from grades 1 to 5 to help facilitate their ideas and actions.